

Why do interaction bugs hit right when I felt inspired to catch up on my interacting? I know I've been neglecting the bars ever since I realized other people still use v1 and it fucks up the bars. But every now and again I find the motivation to just click for a half an hour while I raise the bars.. And now it refuses to let me do it.


Keep your interactions, I didn't want to do it anyway.....

EDIT: OK, if I understood correctly, it's not just interacting. Cause the ones work that don't produce a diary update of any kind.. Everything that causes a diary update seems to be malfunctioning.. Including buying credit items.. Hell, I hope I'm getting my lost credits back when this bug is fixed..

..and now I'm entertaining myself by reading the fuckaton of bug reports people have suddenly sent in the past 30mins about missing updates.. Whoop.

..and now it's 5am, I'm still sadly wide awake, watching old episodes of CSI and keeping my hands busy by testing what works and what not. Picking up and using items (for some weird reason Nera was able to pick some random stuff from her car despite the error message, yet some she couldn't), interacting (this works on and off too) such. Well this is entertaining...


  1. "My god it’s full of stars

    We've taken the game offline due to a system wide problem CAUSED BY MEJA. Please return later for your daily fix of Popmundo."

    ...you broke it.
