
Decision time

As for RP in general (not about ignoring PMs this time) and my characters. There is an important update.

I've finally decided to let a few of them go. Having played the game for over six years now, I've grown quite attached to my pixels, and making the decision to get rid of them has proven to be a lot tougher than it should be. But it's been on my mind for a long while now, and it's taken me forever to decide which ones I'm willing to give up. But I'm hoping this all will help with RPing the chars I do have the motivation to focus on. It just feels wrong to keep characters alive when they don't get the attention and RP they deserve..

Though even with the lack of motivation, letting go of some of my eldest chars has proven to be quite hard. (And I wouldn't be surprised if I chicken out at the last minute and either not give them poison, or just have someone save them.) But that being said, I've decided to start slow and give myself time to wrap my brain around the whole matter. (In other words, yes, I'm a coward.) Maybe, just maybe, this way I'll actually stick to my decision instead of resuscitating each and every one of them as soon as I get the chance..

I've decided to let Nakisha go first.

She's my main, and the root of all the fun I've had playing this game, but it's time to put her to rest. She's had five kids, a career she has been proud of, despite it not being that successful. She's had two great loves in her life, and countless close friends. But it's time to finally let her join her partner in crime and rest in peace.

To clarify, I have yet to decide when to give her poison and how exactly her death will be RPed, but I do know she's only the beginning. In order to get properly back to RP, I am going to have to let go some other chars too. I'm still iffy about who else to get rid of, but it will happen. Once I recover from Naki, that is..

PS: Got to give a shout out to him. I have no idea how you've managed to put up with my extremely lazy and sporadic RP for Nakisha for this long. Thank you!

EDIT: Somehow I found the energy to update some of the character pages now too. Go me!

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