
@£$#¤%&* !

My wrist is trying to kill me again. It's the fourth time I've visited a doctor's office in the past five months (because of my wrist, that is) and to be honest, I'm starting to think I should just move there to avoid the commute. <.< Anywho. Writing is a bit.. well, painful at the moment, but I'm hoping the pain meds I got today will kick in soon.

Fingers crossed!

Especially since I now have two weeks off work, I might actually find the time to focus on RP again...

Here's hoping, eh?

But for now, I really need to give my wrist a break..

Ta ta!

EDIT: OK, scratch that. It's not my wrist that'll keep me from the game in the next few days/weeks/whatever. It's the sheer fact that I'm getting a lot sicker again than normal. At the moment it's surprisingly hard to keep myself from passing out from sheer lack of oxygen let alone even take a deep breath..

@#%¤*£$ !!

Let's hope I make it through this episode in one piece..


  1. Maybe you got what I had a few weeks ago! It's a rare new virus that spreads through *gasp* computer screens and over continents! 0.o
    (Let's really hope it's not what I had though! The doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with me an I'm still recovering :P)

    1. Well I've had a mystery disease bugging me for the last 14 months.. So it sounds like you might be right about that new virus. :P

      I'll be fine soon again though! Once I manage to breath properly again, I'll be back. But with the last few weeks and all, I guess you're used to slow RP. :P

  2. Oh no... I hope you start to feel better soon. Between the sick and the wrist... sheesh. I just want to come over there with all kinds of booze and drugs and massages and stuff, and make you feel all sorts of giddy better. *HUGS* <3 you!

    1. Hahaha. Aww you! I'm all for the booze and drugs and stuff plan, though. Get me better meds! :D
