
Forever safe under the covers..

Imagine this, guys..

You're laying in bed, sleeping/napping/whatever. You have a slight fever and you're cold and shivering all over, and the last thing you want to do is to get out of bed. You're suddenly jerked out of dreamland by your phone. It takes you forever to find the damn thing and by the time the phone is in your hand, the call has ended. You realize it's from work (you haven't been in for two weeks because the whole place as been under renovations) and decide to call back as soon as you're out of your half-asleep state. You get up from bed and check facebook, someone has linked an article that tells you there's been a fire at your work place the day before, and there's been tons of fire trucks and yummy firemen out there trying to figure out what was going on.

And now no one's answering the phone and you have no idea whether you have to go in tomorrow for your first shift or not.

Oh well, back to sleep...

PS: Check 2039700.369. I'm looking to start over with Hazel. New friends, everything, I just want new RP. Maybe that way I'll find the motivation to play her again and start replying to the messages I have waiting on her too.. Get back in the character and so on..? I don't know, I just want something that'll spark my interest.

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