
Band updates

Whoooo. It's starting to seem like I'm finally making some progress in getting my non-touring musicians on the road as well! Nicky and Adrienne are putting some thought into The Megan Case Project (yes, we still need a new name even though we love your face) and they're currently working on a repertoire. Now if I could just get the RP flowing, it'd be just perfect.. But getting Nicky on the road will definitely be a step forward! It's been freaking forever since Marvellous Malevolence' last gig. It's been way too long for Nicky of all people to be off the road..

In addition, I also finally found Izzie a band!

Spontaneous decisions ftw. o/ I offered and she accepted, and now Izzie is a member of Electric Theory, alongside Miss Isolde Birmingham and no other than Mr Callum Wright.
It's about time, too! I've never seen Izzie as a solo artist type of person, but ever since she turned 16, I've had trouble finding suitable band mates for her.. It was clear from the start she'd be doing electronica anyway. But there they are now, and I'm hoping this band thing will work out, too. I have only a month or so to get her skills in gear but I'm sure it'll be fine. I won't be expecting perfect gig reviews right away anyway. But soon, soon...


  1. No! It needs to keep being The Megan Case Project, there's no going around it!! You two shall NEVER change the name :)
