
Brace yourselves, winter is coming..

Totally non game related blog post but.. HOLY DUCK HAS ANYONE LOOKED OUTSIDE? Though by the status updates on Facebook, I'd say every single person I know has suddenly something to say. Third of the people are happy and ecstatic, third are complaining about the amount of snow themed updates, and the rest seem to be willing to jump off a bridge. Come on people, it's Finland... You should know by now that it's like this and worse for almost half a year. It can't be that big of a surprise. Yet.. I think I'm going to join the latter group of my FB friends and groan.


It's not even November yet and I think I went blind after crawling to have a smoke this morning. OK, sure we only got enough for everything to be white but I can only imagine the chaos out there.. I refuse to get out of bed and hop in my car today.. It'll be like deadly ice skating with summer tires.

For once, I'm happy I'm on sick leave again.

PS: If anyone happens to have unemployed adult characters and feels the  desperate need to help me (I know there's tons of you out there ;) ), give me a shout. Max salary if wanted and no need to stay in New York. Help the helpless girl, will ya? Oh, and if there are any blues artist out there, I'd be more than happy to send a contract your way..

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