
Tired beyond belief

I never thought being back at work would be this exhausting.. The work part itself is fine. Sort of. A little painful, sure, but that I can manage. What'll most likely kill me thought is the tiredness that hits the second I sit behind the wheel and head home from work. For example, today I almost rear-ended some Volvo because I was too tired to focus 100% on the driving.. Now I just want to fall into bed (check) and fall asleep (not happening, I need to study).

So pardonnez-moi, it might take a while for me to get used to this again. And I'll definitely be slower untill Wednesday due to some exams. After that it'll hopefully get better.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, eh? I would like to make it through the next few days alive!


EDIT: Perrrrrrrrkele.

1 comment:

  1. Aw poor darling. Hope the exams go great and you feel less tired soon, the post-exhaustion is the worst. Good luck! <3

    -Langford lady
