
Baby fever!

Damn this popo baby fever.. I WANT BABIES.

And the energy to RP more actively. But mostly just the babies.

And perhaps something to eat. But still mostly just babies.

PS: Soooooorry about all the unanswered messages. I'm back at work after four-ish weeks of lazing about the house and I couldn't be more exhausted..

Still thinking of babies, though. Babies, babies, babies.


  1. OMG Iz having babies? Should we expect a baby shower?

    -Langford Lady

    1. Ooh no. I need to find another way to have babies! :( I once made the decision to keep at least ONE of my chars childless and I'm planning to (try to) stick to that decision..

  2. I planned to keep Tegan childless and looked how it turned out. Oh well. Believe me I know the feeling. I'm constantly wanting to knock my characters up. ._. It's a bad thing. A very very bad thing xD April was suppose to have only 1 kid and ending up with 3 all from different daddies (though the last one was actually kind of a mistake on my part and not planned at all but oh well)

    1. Hahaha, I know! It's impossible to control myself now.. And what's worse, there's none I can knock up!
