
Drama queen?

The doctor/hand surgeon/specialist forbade me to put any strain on my wrist for the next day or two (or until my wrist feels better, which might not be till the weekend). Writing with my left hand only is just too difficult (and so not worth it) so don't expect to hear from me for a few days.

As for the doctor himself.. Holy crap I've never felt like a 5yo drama queen before.. The guy was so frightening I was scared I might start crying. He stuck a few cortisone shots on my wrist after assaulting me and told me to be nice or else it's all in vain.

 "When you sit on your ass, doing absolutely nothing, and you still  feel like howling, that's only when it's actual pain."

Thanks for the info, doc.

Meja, scarred for life

PS.  My hand is numb and surprisingly it still hurts like crap. I hope this is worth it....

PPS:  I'm starting to think I  have a very low pain threshold. Grr.

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