
Errr, potatoes?

OK, after a few days away from the laptop, it's finally time for me to start catching up and replying to all the RP. I hate it when the massage pile up like this, so I just have to dive in and start from somewhere. A few days without replying to a single PM and I already feel like I'm losing my touch.

I once read somewhere that if you have a ton of shit to do, look at it as if you're peeling an enormous pile of potatoes.. You can never finish your task if you try doing them all at once. One potato at a time! .....or something.

Honestly, I feel like my brain is mash (omgseewhatIdidthereyayforpotatopuns). Expect very lousy replies unless I manage to get my act together and stop this aimless rambling..

PS: I guess I made it. LOL, I love this.

Why can't there be a better picture of these two together?


  1. No publicity is bad publicity I suppose xD Usually I find that blog ridiculously entertaining when it's not screwing with ooc shiz.

    And as for that picture, I've run into it so many times and I just go ugh. It's so unflattering for the both of them. He looks like a short little twig xD And so awkwardly positioned *sigh*

    1. Oh yeah, I've found myself giggling at the blog quite a few times in the past too.. :P For Tegan's sake that post sucks ass though, seeing how it def brings ooc info the the RP.. But the parts on Izzie are absolutely hilarious. :P

      ...I KNOW, RIGHT. Both models, English, and around the same age.. You'd think there was a possibility they'd done more shoots together. Well, there's one but the pics from that aren't any better.. Like I can use this? http://daisy-lowe.com/gallery/albums/campaigns/espiritss10/08.jpg


    2. Oh my god ahahahahha. I'm just cracking up at the random dude in the back! They both look extremely pissed at him. Third wheel much? But yes, you're right, you would think that they'd do more shoots together! But then again, Ash Stymest kind off dropped of the face of the planet for a will. He is just now starting to do ads again. So who knows! Maybe someday xD

    3. Yeeeah, I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I've fallen in love with Daisy Lowe anyway so I'll most likely keep using her as Izzie for a long time. :P So there's still a chance...
