
..and she's gone

Y6D49 - Y65D22

It certainly felt like an end of an era when I logged in after waking up from my nap today and noticed my character selection page was missing the root of all that's happened since I first came across Pop(o)mundo.

Nakisha finally died.

I've been so distracted during the past week that I even forgot to pay attention! I'd be lying if I said wasn't surprised when I noticed Naki was gone.. Apart from feeling sad, I'm sort of proud of myself now. After six years of RPing I actually managed to let my very first character go and not swoop in at the last moment to save her. It was her time to go! And now my reckless yet eventually grown up redhead is reunited with her soulmate.

When I first registered, I remember picking the youngest character possible. And despite her name being Nakisha, I decided to make her a sickly pale, fiery redhead. Phah. Anyway.. She's still the quirky start to my very quirky journey in the world of RP. I know I've almost given up several times before and I pretty much missed her mid/late 20s and early 30s, something always kept me from letting my precious puppets from dying.

It's almost devastating to think that she's now leaving behind the love of her life (and they didn't even get to celebrate their 20th anniversary! hmpf), five kids and six grandkids.. But seeing how I've lost the ability to connect with her and the RP, it was for the best. Now I can divert my focus to her offspring.

Probably my all time favourite of hers. I think I used this for a long time in her mid/late 30s

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