

Why do interaction bugs hit right when I felt inspired to catch up on my interacting? I know I've been neglecting the bars ever since I realized other people still use v1 and it fucks up the bars. But every now and again I find the motivation to just click for a half an hour while I raise the bars.. And now it refuses to let me do it.


Keep your interactions, I didn't want to do it anyway.....

EDIT: OK, if I understood correctly, it's not just interacting. Cause the ones work that don't produce a diary update of any kind.. Everything that causes a diary update seems to be malfunctioning.. Including buying credit items.. Hell, I hope I'm getting my lost credits back when this bug is fixed..

..and now I'm entertaining myself by reading the fuckaton of bug reports people have suddenly sent in the past 30mins about missing updates.. Whoop.

..and now it's 5am, I'm still sadly wide awake, watching old episodes of CSI and keeping my hands busy by testing what works and what not. Picking up and using items (for some weird reason Nera was able to pick some random stuff from her car despite the error message, yet some she couldn't), interacting (this works on and off too) such. Well this is entertaining...


Band updates

Whoooo. It's starting to seem like I'm finally making some progress in getting my non-touring musicians on the road as well! Nicky and Adrienne are putting some thought into The Megan Case Project (yes, we still need a new name even though we love your face) and they're currently working on a repertoire. Now if I could just get the RP flowing, it'd be just perfect.. But getting Nicky on the road will definitely be a step forward! It's been freaking forever since Marvellous Malevolence' last gig. It's been way too long for Nicky of all people to be off the road..

In addition, I also finally found Izzie a band!

Spontaneous decisions ftw. o/ I offered and she accepted, and now Izzie is a member of Electric Theory, alongside Miss Isolde Birmingham and no other than Mr Callum Wright.
It's about time, too! I've never seen Izzie as a solo artist type of person, but ever since she turned 16, I've had trouble finding suitable band mates for her.. It was clear from the start she'd be doing electronica anyway. But there they are now, and I'm hoping this band thing will work out, too. I have only a month or so to get her skills in gear but I'm sure it'll be fine. I won't be expecting perfect gig reviews right away anyway. But soon, soon...


Cabin Crazy

Oops. So the weekend just flew by without me even noticing it. I wasn't planning on being away all weekend but.. When you're home-bound during the week due to... well, everyone else being at work and at the uni, one gets a little cuckoo. And judging by the hangover and overall busyness of my weekend, I've managed to let out enough steam to survive the next few days at home again.

OK, Popo-wise, I'm trying to set some goals for this week! Hell, I'll be at home anyway so I might as well get to the more arduous tasks.. And yes, I'm lazy. It's the only reason there is a check list in the first place.

Here we go.
 Finish the final task for Nakisha and fly her to NYC.
☐  Finally start downsizing my herd of characters (aka kill off Naki)
☐  Figure out a way to RP it. Don't get too emotional, you loony.
☐  Try and figure out what to do with Nika.
☐  Reply to all my PMs...
☐  ....including Nicky's.

Went to see Brave today! Big, big Disney fan this lunatic behind the screen is, yes she is.


Brace yourselves, winter is coming..

Totally non game related blog post but.. HOLY DUCK HAS ANYONE LOOKED OUTSIDE? Though by the status updates on Facebook, I'd say every single person I know has suddenly something to say. Third of the people are happy and ecstatic, third are complaining about the amount of snow themed updates, and the rest seem to be willing to jump off a bridge. Come on people, it's Finland... You should know by now that it's like this and worse for almost half a year. It can't be that big of a surprise. Yet.. I think I'm going to join the latter group of my FB friends and groan.


It's not even November yet and I think I went blind after crawling to have a smoke this morning. OK, sure we only got enough for everything to be white but I can only imagine the chaos out there.. I refuse to get out of bed and hop in my car today.. It'll be like deadly ice skating with summer tires.

For once, I'm happy I'm on sick leave again.

PS: If anyone happens to have unemployed adult characters and feels the  desperate need to help me (I know there's tons of you out there ;) ), give me a shout. Max salary if wanted and no need to stay in New York. Help the helpless girl, will ya? Oh, and if there are any blues artist out there, I'd be more than happy to send a contract your way..


I've realized I have a problem. I spend way too much time picking the songs I sometimes link to my characters' blogs! I don't just pick songs I like, I reject the ones that don't go just perfectly with the tone of the blog and the situation my chars find themselves in. Each blog has a reason behind it, and each song is the same.

Way too often I find myself searching for the lyrics just so there isn't something that doesn't fit - or just to make sure I've understood the meaning of the song correctly.


I should seek help.



OK, I've decided not to wait till Nakisha's tour is over to let her go. It seems like I just keep stretching this out and nothing happens. And that is surprisingly stressful! I feel like I'm turning to one of those attention wh -- err, drama queens, who talk about killing their chars (/quitting the game) and never go through with it anyway. All talk, no action.

I have every intention of letting her go in peace.. It just seems to take balls to give her the poison, balls I don't seem to have. I'm hopeless, I know.

I've just had Naki for such a long time that I can't help but to have mixed feelings! But I do know it's for the best.. So as soon as I make all the arrangements, I'm going through with it. With as little RP as possible! It's going to be tough enough already. I've grown very fond of my pixels..

OK, enough rambling, time for business..

PS: I'm glad you weren't taken by the aliens.


In love with Lowe

The more pictures I find for my precious Izzie, the more obvious it gets. This woman is bloody gorgeous. How can one not fall in love with her?

PS: I'll be on sick leave (yes, again -_-') for the next two weeks. Well, for starters at least. My wrist could definitely use the break, and the doctor sure seemed to think so too.. Which means there'll be more time for sleep, studying and RP. Whoo.



I was on loan in another restaurant today and I'm quite ready to beg Thor and Odin and the aliens that I won't be sent there again.. I literally came home in tears after a short 7-hour shift. My whole arm feels like it's going to drop off (and if it doesn't, I'm willing to gnaw it off myself to get rid of this pain) and my back is aching so bad I don't think I'm able to get up from bed tomorrow.

I'll see if I manage to down enough painkillers to dull the ache but.. If not, I'll get to the RP as soon as I can..

EDIT: OK, feeling a lot better already. Lying down helped with the back and the painkillers are helping a bit too. Let's just hope I'll make it through tomorrow as well!


Forever safe under the covers..

Imagine this, guys..

You're laying in bed, sleeping/napping/whatever. You have a slight fever and you're cold and shivering all over, and the last thing you want to do is to get out of bed. You're suddenly jerked out of dreamland by your phone. It takes you forever to find the damn thing and by the time the phone is in your hand, the call has ended. You realize it's from work (you haven't been in for two weeks because the whole place as been under renovations) and decide to call back as soon as you're out of your half-asleep state. You get up from bed and check facebook, someone has linked an article that tells you there's been a fire at your work place the day before, and there's been tons of fire trucks and yummy firemen out there trying to figure out what was going on.

And now no one's answering the phone and you have no idea whether you have to go in tomorrow for your first shift or not.

Oh well, back to sleep...

PS: Check 2039700.369. I'm looking to start over with Hazel. New friends, everything, I just want new RP. Maybe that way I'll find the motivation to play her again and start replying to the messages I have waiting on her too.. Get back in the character and so on..? I don't know, I just want something that'll spark my interest.


Feverish. As always.

Fever, a friends marathon, and some RP. For once I'm actually getting something done despite being sick and coughing like crazy. Yes, my immune system would apologize IF I HAD ONE. ._.

As for any news related to my RP.. Uhm. Nope, not too much on that front. I'm still struggling with the decision whether to Kill Naki off now or have her finish this tour first. It's only a month.. But on the other hand, I just want her off my hands. o_O

Oh well. Back to Friends.


I know I'm not perfect either, but and this made me laugh. :D

For some reason, seeing the last one annoys me the most.



Look, look, LOOK! The other half of the Luna clan now has their own blog/tumblr thingy too! To find out more why Nera's been my favourite character for years now, go here.


Greetings from bed

Today, besides venturing out to go see a possible flat (and regretting it later as I almost passed out in the train), I've done nothing but focused on breathing and sleeping (doing both at the same time is still a bit iffy, but so far I've succeeded), and whenever I've been awake, I've kept myself entertained by watching old episodes of TBBT..

Laying in bed under what I can only assume is a thousand blankets is cosy, I tells yah! You know, if you ignore the fact that I'm sick as crap again. But seeing how the drugs for my wrist actually seem to work at least, I might just get to replying to a PM or two.

 I'll get to the RP tomorrow! Send something new and exciting and I might just ignore breathing properly for long enough to focus on writing! That being said, though, I'm going back to sleep..


@£$#¤%&* !

My wrist is trying to kill me again. It's the fourth time I've visited a doctor's office in the past five months (because of my wrist, that is) and to be honest, I'm starting to think I should just move there to avoid the commute. <.< Anywho. Writing is a bit.. well, painful at the moment, but I'm hoping the pain meds I got today will kick in soon.

Fingers crossed!

Especially since I now have two weeks off work, I might actually find the time to focus on RP again...

Here's hoping, eh?

But for now, I really need to give my wrist a break..

Ta ta!

EDIT: OK, scratch that. It's not my wrist that'll keep me from the game in the next few days/weeks/whatever. It's the sheer fact that I'm getting a lot sicker again than normal. At the moment it's surprisingly hard to keep myself from passing out from sheer lack of oxygen let alone even take a deep breath..

@#%¤*£$ !!

Let's hope I make it through this episode in one piece..



I've been working ten-hour shifts for the past few days - and I'll continue to do so for a few more. Slow (no surprise there) and insanely tired (I doubt this surprises anyone either) till Sunday or so.


Decision time

As for RP in general (not about ignoring PMs this time) and my characters. There is an important update.

I've finally decided to let a few of them go. Having played the game for over six years now, I've grown quite attached to my pixels, and making the decision to get rid of them has proven to be a lot tougher than it should be. But it's been on my mind for a long while now, and it's taken me forever to decide which ones I'm willing to give up. But I'm hoping this all will help with RPing the chars I do have the motivation to focus on. It just feels wrong to keep characters alive when they don't get the attention and RP they deserve..

Though even with the lack of motivation, letting go of some of my eldest chars has proven to be quite hard. (And I wouldn't be surprised if I chicken out at the last minute and either not give them poison, or just have someone save them.) But that being said, I've decided to start slow and give myself time to wrap my brain around the whole matter. (In other words, yes, I'm a coward.) Maybe, just maybe, this way I'll actually stick to my decision instead of resuscitating each and every one of them as soon as I get the chance..

I've decided to let Nakisha go first.

She's my main, and the root of all the fun I've had playing this game, but it's time to put her to rest. She's had five kids, a career she has been proud of, despite it not being that successful. She's had two great loves in her life, and countless close friends. But it's time to finally let her join her partner in crime and rest in peace.

To clarify, I have yet to decide when to give her poison and how exactly her death will be RPed, but I do know she's only the beginning. In order to get properly back to RP, I am going to have to let go some other chars too. I'm still iffy about who else to get rid of, but it will happen. Once I recover from Naki, that is..

PS: Got to give a shout out to him. I have no idea how you've managed to put up with my extremely lazy and sporadic RP for Nakisha for this long. Thank you!

EDIT: Somehow I found the energy to update some of the character pages now too. Go me!