

Alright, for fun, I decided to check out Weebly to see whether it might help me make this blog look like I want it to look. And after a bit of fumbling about, I realized it's just perfect. So I'm joining the masses and moving my blog over there as well.

The blog is moooving!

From now on, you can find all my ramblings and all the info about my characters here. It's still not finished and there's lots of tweaks to be done (and I'll possibly re-do all the bios too once I get around to it) but it still looks a lot better than this one here.




Oh wow. I never realized just how off I've been lately. Last week Nika's single made it to the TOP-40 radio charts and it took me a week and a half to notice. Ffs!

And here I was thinking of finding her a band mate and starting from scratch because she seems to move nowhere.. She's been stuck doing incredible/perfect gigs forever now. Not to even mention it's a bitch to try and work on a repertoire when there's just one person in charge of composing the songs..

Maybe a band mate wouldn't be such a bad idea after all...

PS: It's my day off, expect me to reply to all the unanswered messages that've piled up. I just need to wake up first..


Five hours later: I'm so proud of myself! I'm all caught up on Izzie, Hazel AND Nera. Now only Nicky left and I've actually done everything I set out to do today.


Oh my. I did it. I have absolutely no unanswered messages left. Hoooly crap. Now it's time to focus on the new site/blog/thingy. If I'll someday get it at least to a decent shape and have it released to the roaring public. Heh.



I think I got two hours of sleep last night, and I just finished a 11-hour shift at work. As much fun as RPing is, I think I'm going to pass out in 3... 2... 1.... ZzzZz....


Wow. Lol. Izzie sure can get into trouble without even trying...



Today is Focus on Nicky Day. Lately I've not been too fond of... FoND? Lol.

Nicky's been inactive for so long it's hard to get back to RPing him. I've had these short active spells in the past few years but nothing too extravagant since his early twenties. I've revamped his character a little from his early twenties, so it's not like I'm going right back into the goof ball he was back then.

I've been using this one character development sheet thingy as I finally jot down things about Nicky that's made me love RPing him in the past. Most of it is obviously stuff that rarely comes up in RP, but I'm hoping that by finally writing this down, it'll be much easier to reply to his messages.. I need to find a way to reconnect with my beloved puppet.

I know I've been ignoring his RP parters for way too long now. One reply a month or even one every two weeks is just not an acceptable pace when I'm responding to some of my other character's pms pretty much on a daily basis.

So instead of deciding to kill Nicky off too (which I'm sure would just kill me), I need to put in the effort and find a way to RP him.

I'll try and focus solely on him today, as he certainly deserves it, but I might respond to the odd message here and there on the rest of my lot too.


Danko Jones is my go-to music whenever I'm trying to RP Nicky. It just fits him perfectly..

Catching up? Hopefully!

Oh my. I'm actually tempted to ditch this blog here and start it all over again like she did. Her new site looks uh-maaazing.

I shouldn't, though. I've had this one forever now and I'm still not finished! Can't even imagine how long it would take if I had to re-write everything..

Oh well. It's my first day off in a week, I just finally finished my exams last night.. It's time to catch up with my RP! I've barely touched me character's inboxes since I've been back at work. Only some of Izzie's have been answered and it's now time to focus on the rest of my lot too.

I'm really starting to wonder.. 



Why, oh why is it that Zombie Day always falls on a day when I'm supposed to not even touch my laptop. Grr.