
Happy anniversary

I'm not one to admit I let RP get to me, when in truth it rarely fails to do so. Hell, I'd probably rather die than admit intense RP (or shit like this) has managed to make me cry. But that's exactly why I rarely take things OOC with anyone, just to avoid feeling pissed or hurt or betrayed over what happens in the game. Yet it always seems to be the people I talk to OOC that are involved... Funny.

Because Popmundo should be just that. A game. Though seeing how much of my free time I spend RPing, it usually doesn't work like that.. I rarely scheme or think beforehand in my RP. I find something fun and I go with it. And that's gotten me in minor trouble before. But it hasn't been anything I haven't been able to deal with..

But still... People you're supposed to be on the same page with shouldn't screw you over. And I did just that. Unintentionally, sure, but I know it doesn't erase the fact that I did. But after apologizing and making the sincere promise not to pull shit like that again.. Uh.


Not getting into that one. Just.. Too bad there ain't a proper translation for the word vituttaa in English. Hurt or pissed just doesn't seem to cover it.. But instead of wallowing in it, I'm focusing on the happy RP. The fun RP that has made me stick around in the game for six years now. Now that I think of it, exactly six years. Happy anniversary me, whee...

Nakisha entered Popmundo 3.9.2006.

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