
A very sleepy update


Staying away from tiring RP has been a raging success. Actually, besides replying to very few PMs on Nera and some of the ones on Izzie, I've not RPed at all lately. Staying away from all crap has really helped too. Not with my studying, but with my job at least. I've taken a lot of extra shifts - and I mostly sleep for the rest of my free time - so I barely even have any time to focus on the game. Which for now is definitely an improvement. When the RP starts bugging you, it's time to take a break...

Speaking of sleep, though.. There's got to be something wrong when after a good nine-hour sleep last night and a minimalistic shift (5hrs) at work today, I'm already dying to go to bed at 7PM.. It's not normal, right?

Oh well, it's a known fact these days that I clearly wasn't meant to be healthy or anything. I wish I'd at least be given an actual disease so complaining this much wouldn't make me feel guilty. Phah. With my fourteen-month long flu/fever/sinusitis/tonsillitis/mono/whatever-the-hell-else-I've-had-as-well/mystery disease cycle I'm sure I complain more than people with cancer do. At least my friends (and earlier today my boss too) is just laughing when I cry out of pain (wrist) or just simply complain about always feeling sick.

At least I get to use that and the lack of energy as an excuse to procrastinate when it comes to replying to PMs. Because the truth is, I'm just not feeling the love these days. Yes, I'm tired as hell. No, I have no motivation to even touch most of my chars. But mostly I just don't want to.

I wish I had the balls to get rid of most oh my charries, so I wouldn't have to feel guilty for ignoring the RP I have waiting. I do remember a time when I used to enjoy replying to the messages and planning out new scenes and where to take the RP. Oh the good old times..

Instead of trying to find the motivation, though, I'mma go sleep some more. Maybe I'll dream of RP again, who knows. After all, I just had a weird dream of Nera and her hubby the other night.. Heh.

G'night. Yes, as said, it's only 7:30PM now..

The Constantly Sleeping Beauty aka the nutjob behind the Corbin/Seals/Baklanov/Luna/Sinner clan


  1. Jesus. Believe me when I say I know the feeling. I honestly read this and thought I wrote it myself. Insanity. I currently have 8 characters on my account and only 2 that I RP with at least remotely actively. However I plan to *hopefully* shorten it to 4 chars sometime soon. (Billy and Tegan are one of the lucky 4)

    (aka Parsons/Gómez/Brown/Sinner/Everhart/England/Exile)

    1. Oh how I wish I had the balls to just kill half of mine off too.. o_o

      But after 6yrs of playing the game, I've yet to kill a single char! I'm so attached to these damn pixels I'd probably either save them (hell, I've even had dreams like this.. though in those, I never make it in time and they die, sniff >.<) or resurrect them right after they die. :P I'M WEAK.

      PS. I'd hunt you down and kick you if you got rid of Tegan or Billy.. :D Cause atm they are (obviously) among the lucky few I actually reply to.

  2. Well only 1 of the 4 I'm getting rid of is an adult and quite honestly for a while her life has been really depressing so I've just decided to kill her off after she has her baby. The other three are 8, 5, and 2 and I am just going to adopt them off. Though to whom I have no idea. I am very particular with who I trust with my characters no matter how small they are.

    I killed off one character and adopted off two kids once before in the game. But I ended up resurrecting anyways so we'll see if I can actually stick to it this time xD

    1. Ah. I'd rather get rid of the 3 eldest than the kids.. I'm already ignoring their RP, after all. And I've been doing that ON and OFF for a few years now. But somehow I just can't bring myself to do it.. x_x

      Though if I ever gather the courage to just do it, I'll know I can always resurrect them later if needed.. Which I'd most likely do. Like a minute after they died. :'D

      Good luck with getting rid of your chars too! I can only dream about controlling just 4....
