
Sweeping Declaration?

I can't even use the laptop as an excuse for not being here. Because I seem to be married to this piece of shit these days. I'm barely RPing any of my chars, Izzie being the only active one at the moment. Can't really find an explanation that seeing how she's the root of all that's evil and the reason why I barely have any desire to RP these days..

Oh well.

As for the rest of my crazy lot.. I'm sorry for the lack of replies. I just have no brain capacity to write anything. I'd make a sweeping declaration of staying sober of taking a break from RPing, but every time I do that, something still keeps me glued to the game.

So I'm just going to say I'll be slow for undecided amount of time and hope I find the motivation to get back to RPing the original Corbin clan. Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm trying my best here again..

That being said.. I'm going to try and focus on my life away from my laptop. Or at least trying to find some balance with the two. I have a shitload of studying to do - and my first task is to find a motivation to touch that knee-high pile of books I have waiting..

So if I'm not around to RP and whatnot, GREAT. If I am.... I deserve to be smacked around a bit.

                            Anyway. Completely off-topic, but for some reason I can't get this song out of my head. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. I'll figure out an appropriate punishment for you if you disappear, in the meantime, you take care. x

