
Recap of the weekend

I am so dead. Every muscle in my body is aching, my throat hurts like hell, and I have no intention of getting out of bed any time soon. Well, except for work tomorrow morning. But that is sort of mandatory, tomorrow being Monday and all.

This weekend has been amazing and awful, and so filled with action that I'll need a few days to recover. Hangover-wise I feel way better than I deserve, but my whole body is refusing to cooperate. Not to mention I'm just simply tired.

Thus RP shall have to wait for a moment longer. I haven't replied to a single one all weekend, so we'll see how it goes from here. I might get to replying to a few here and there, or none at all, we'll see.

How I feel about replying to my PMs right now..


Zombie birthday

Why oh why did DotD have to fall on my birthday this year? I enjoy sending my puppets to the crypt! The s´zombie hunt is fun! But it also takes a looooot of time when you aim for 1000+ kills and today I don't want to spend all day with my nose glued to my laptop,.

So excuse me, my new-found excitement for RP has to wait. It was pay day today and I'm planning to be reckless and spend A LOT. Shopping, here I come!


A very sleepy update


Staying away from tiring RP has been a raging success. Actually, besides replying to very few PMs on Nera and some of the ones on Izzie, I've not RPed at all lately. Staying away from all crap has really helped too. Not with my studying, but with my job at least. I've taken a lot of extra shifts - and I mostly sleep for the rest of my free time - so I barely even have any time to focus on the game. Which for now is definitely an improvement. When the RP starts bugging you, it's time to take a break...

Speaking of sleep, though.. There's got to be something wrong when after a good nine-hour sleep last night and a minimalistic shift (5hrs) at work today, I'm already dying to go to bed at 7PM.. It's not normal, right?

Oh well, it's a known fact these days that I clearly wasn't meant to be healthy or anything. I wish I'd at least be given an actual disease so complaining this much wouldn't make me feel guilty. Phah. With my fourteen-month long flu/fever/sinusitis/tonsillitis/mono/whatever-the-hell-else-I've-had-as-well/mystery disease cycle I'm sure I complain more than people with cancer do. At least my friends (and earlier today my boss too) is just laughing when I cry out of pain (wrist) or just simply complain about always feeling sick.

At least I get to use that and the lack of energy as an excuse to procrastinate when it comes to replying to PMs. Because the truth is, I'm just not feeling the love these days. Yes, I'm tired as hell. No, I have no motivation to even touch most of my chars. But mostly I just don't want to.

I wish I had the balls to get rid of most oh my charries, so I wouldn't have to feel guilty for ignoring the RP I have waiting. I do remember a time when I used to enjoy replying to the messages and planning out new scenes and where to take the RP. Oh the good old times..

Instead of trying to find the motivation, though, I'mma go sleep some more. Maybe I'll dream of RP again, who knows. After all, I just had a weird dream of Nera and her hubby the other night.. Heh.

G'night. Yes, as said, it's only 7:30PM now..

The Constantly Sleeping Beauty aka the nutjob behind the Corbin/Seals/Baklanov/Luna/Sinner clan


Sweeping Declaration?

I can't even use the laptop as an excuse for not being here. Because I seem to be married to this piece of shit these days. I'm barely RPing any of my chars, Izzie being the only active one at the moment. Can't really find an explanation that seeing how she's the root of all that's evil and the reason why I barely have any desire to RP these days..

Oh well.

As for the rest of my crazy lot.. I'm sorry for the lack of replies. I just have no brain capacity to write anything. I'd make a sweeping declaration of staying sober of taking a break from RPing, but every time I do that, something still keeps me glued to the game.

So I'm just going to say I'll be slow for undecided amount of time and hope I find the motivation to get back to RPing the original Corbin clan. Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm trying my best here again..

That being said.. I'm going to try and focus on my life away from my laptop. Or at least trying to find some balance with the two. I have a shitload of studying to do - and my first task is to find a motivation to touch that knee-high pile of books I have waiting..

So if I'm not around to RP and whatnot, GREAT. If I am.... I deserve to be smacked around a bit.

                            Anyway. Completely off-topic, but for some reason I can't get this song out of my head. Enjoy.


Happy anniversary

I'm not one to admit I let RP get to me, when in truth it rarely fails to do so. Hell, I'd probably rather die than admit intense RP (or shit like this) has managed to make me cry. But that's exactly why I rarely take things OOC with anyone, just to avoid feeling pissed or hurt or betrayed over what happens in the game. Yet it always seems to be the people I talk to OOC that are involved... Funny.

Because Popmundo should be just that. A game. Though seeing how much of my free time I spend RPing, it usually doesn't work like that.. I rarely scheme or think beforehand in my RP. I find something fun and I go with it. And that's gotten me in minor trouble before. But it hasn't been anything I haven't been able to deal with..

But still... People you're supposed to be on the same page with shouldn't screw you over. And I did just that. Unintentionally, sure, but I know it doesn't erase the fact that I did. But after apologizing and making the sincere promise not to pull shit like that again.. Uh.


Not getting into that one. Just.. Too bad there ain't a proper translation for the word vituttaa in English. Hurt or pissed just doesn't seem to cover it.. But instead of wallowing in it, I'm focusing on the happy RP. The fun RP that has made me stick around in the game for six years now. Now that I think of it, exactly six years. Happy anniversary me, whee...

Nakisha entered Popmundo 3.9.2006.