
Sick and tired, yada yada

I still continue being slow with responses. I read the PMs and log in quite often, but I find myself too tired to actually write anything back. I'm trying on RPing all my chars, but for now it's all a bit sluggish. Especially since I can't even keep up who I should be replying to in v1 and who in v2.. Confusing! Anywho I'm doing my best for now though, and even if I may need a nudge every now and then - or deserve to be hit in the head with a chair - bear with me, will you?

I'm (still) sick and getting even more tests done tomorrow morning, so let's hope that after a year and 10 days I finally manage to kick this illness' ass and find more energy. I even look like a junkie now because I have bruises the size of ping pong balls on each arm from where they drew blood.. And there'll be more tomorrow. Gah. 

PS: Does anyone know who she is? She's bloody gorgeous and has the perfect look for Hazel..


  1. Fillipa Smeds! (I think)

    And get well soon, hun x

  2. Bloody gorgeous is absolutely perfect for Hazel, of course. ;)
