

Last night was truly a hell on earth and I'm surprised that I made it through alive. Eight hours (yes, only eight) of sheer madness and quite literally bathing in blood, sweat and tears (as well as detergent and 160°C frying oil)So if I ever recover from the shift I just had, praise Odin and all the rest, will you?
If I was tired before, I don't know what to call this. Even exhausted doesn't seem to quite cut it.. Not to mention 
 I've been without food and sleep (let alone a moment to just breath) for fifteen hours now, so I think I'm going to hunt for "breakfast" and hope I won't fall asleep in my cereal.

I'll get to all the PMs and everything if I ever feel like a human again.



Working every night from 11pm to 7am is draining all the energy I have. I don't only sleep during the day, but I'm completely comatose when I'm trying to stay awake too. When it comes to replying to messages, I'll be a slowpoke till the end of next week, I think. I'm sorry!

I'm so, so tired..



After hours and hours of queueing to various places (the doctor's for lab tests and X-rays, the bank, the police station etc.) I'm finally home and absolutely knackered. Trying to get by with no wallet, driver's licence or insurance cards is a bitch, I can tell you!
I've been calling from one place to another to get everything fixed and I'm finally starting to get some clarity to this whole thing. Damn you pickpockets! *shakes fist in air*

Anywho, I'm now home and hopefully soon motivated enough to tackle the humongous pile of PMs I have waiting. All my lovely charries deserve my attention so it might be a while till I manage to reply to them all but.. As said, I'm doing my best here! But in order to get some clarity and check up on my crooked creations, here's a "short" update;

Nakisha is basicly RP-less (which is truly a shame), she's touring non-stop with her hubby and at the moment, they're planning on changing from playing Jazz to Modern Rock. Final change before their retirement and whatnot. From Latin to Jazz, she's now finally returning closer to where she once began. MR might lack the spit-you-in-the-face-and-tell-you-to-fuck-off attitude that punk had, but it fits Naki much better than latin or jazz has.

Nika is on tour as well, right now struggling with keeping her tour going with the club owners being absent and whatnot. I'm thinking of just pulling her away and cancelling the shows that'll fail anyway due to unchanged ticket prices that've killed her ticket sales. But returning back to NYC and taking a short break to get everything back together (and to find a new blues club chain) will hopefully give room for some entertaining RP between Nika, her wife and their little family.

Nicky is.. all over the place. There's a char that I just can't channel! RPing him normally is a lot of fun but lately I've found myself struggling with every single PM.. He's now on a hiatus of sorts while I get myself back in his head and get the RP going again.

Nera is following her hubby on tour at the moment. She's stable and as fun to play as ever. Basically nothing to tell here. Nera, who used to be my ultimate fuck-up, found her place in the world years ago and for some reason I still find the motivation to play her. Yay! <3
Oh and I even found a new face for her. I'm beaming with pride here! I overcame some of my OCD obstacles and found someone I actually like!

Izzie. Izzie, Izzie, Izzie.. My Nika 2.0 has managed to screw up quite royally this time and it's bringing me a ton of highly entertaining drama RP. With her relationship in trouble, she's switching between drinking her sorrows away and bitching/moaning/freaking out to her friends about the whole situation. Everyone knows I worship drama like this and love RPing such events. Especially when you know the people you're RPing with and can trust not to get completely screwed over in the end (and/or want to screw over anyone involved in return).. This also gives me the opportunity to OCD over songs to link on her blogs. There are so many! And I love finding stuff that fits and speaks for my chars. These days Izzie seems to be my source for amusement on so many levels. I let my OCD run wild!

Hazel is finally back in NYC for a change and she's looking for trouble. So if anyone has chars around her age (preferably the same age or older) that can help me corrupt her, send me a PM!  I'm planning to go crazy with this one so any type of crazy crooked RP is welcome. I need people tougher than her to screw her up! Or anyone with a diabolical mind will do. ;)

The rest of my younger chars (the two I have left, lol) are still practically without RP and it's fine. Sure Noah just turned seven and he's able to reply to PMs now, so if there's anyone out there willing to help me develop this char, I'm up for it. Sure it means I'll probably be slow as a snail but with chars this young, maybe they don't need your undivided attention all the time..

Anyway, I'm on sick leave (yes, again) for a few days so I'll hopefully have the time and energy to start replying to all the PMs and do what I love - which in this case obviously means RP.

Hugs and kisses,

PS: Thanks to everyone who sent me blog commets and PMs about the girl in the last blog post. I now I have the name of possible future Hazel, whoop!

Just because it made me smile.


Sick and tired, yada yada

I still continue being slow with responses. I read the PMs and log in quite often, but I find myself too tired to actually write anything back. I'm trying on RPing all my chars, but for now it's all a bit sluggish. Especially since I can't even keep up who I should be replying to in v1 and who in v2.. Confusing! Anywho I'm doing my best for now though, and even if I may need a nudge every now and then - or deserve to be hit in the head with a chair - bear with me, will you?

I'm (still) sick and getting even more tests done tomorrow morning, so let's hope that after a year and 10 days I finally manage to kick this illness' ass and find more energy. I even look like a junkie now because I have bruises the size of ping pong balls on each arm from where they drew blood.. And there'll be more tomorrow. Gah. 

PS: Does anyone know who she is? She's bloody gorgeous and has the perfect look for Hazel..


Passing out in 3..2...1

What I thought would be an 6-hour-shift turned into a hell on earth today - quite literally seeing how hot it got during the day.. Even now that I'm fresh out of a cold shower, I'm still beat. Even double pay isn't quite worth a day like this.. I'm so ready to just crawl under my duvet inside my fridge and die.

If I don't have the energy to respond to any RP today (even though I promised all sorts of things last night; I was drunk for crying out loud), don't hate me, ay? I'm exhausted..



I'm working all weekend again which means no RP for anyone for the next few days. SORRY! :(

I also got the list of my shifts for the next three weeks (starting a week from now) and guess what? Nothing but night shifts for me! So for the next few weeks I'll quite literally be a vampire; working nights and sleeping all day. Whoop.. We'll see how much RP I'll get done...

Just in case, expect close to none so you won't be disappointed!

 Much love, M


Release the inner psycho

It's no secret that I OCD over a lot of meaningless things in this game. Skills, stars, relationship bars.. Yeah, let's scratch that. I OCD over every little thing in this game. And one of those things happens to my my chars' avatars.

While other people switch their chars race on a weekly basis, I can't bring myself to even search for new faces. I've tried not to use random pics of random people I find on the interwebz. I want a face that fits my character, specific features I can picture when I RP. And for long, my four pre-inactive era chars, the original Corbin clan has had their faces. (Naki: Rachelle Lefevre, Nika: Briana Evigan, Nicky: Ian Crawford, Nera: Emma Stone)

But seeing how I used those faces for a long, looong time, I'm finally starting to think I need to pick new faces for everyone. I've now conquered Naki, Nika and Nicky so far. Well Nicky has yet to get a proper face but at least he's not the afro-headed goof he used to be. Now there's just Nera left.

And now I'm completely and utterly stuck. I can't find a single face that I think would fit Nera. I've spent weeks now, every now and then trying to search for someone that'd fit her and.. Nothing.


OCD go to hell.



Quite frankly, it's amazing how much time I manage to waste, doing nothing, while I'm logged on PopOmundo.. I log in and out from character to character, waiting for PMs to appear (yes, when I've replied to none or close to none). 

I do believe in fairies magic, I do, I do!


Bed; world's strongest magnet

I'm so beat.. I want to finish this whole thing (or at least get something done) and unleash my crazy characters out in the world (like they're not doing damage already, phah!) but.. I have absolutely no energy. I have all this RP to get to too but even the thought of using my brain makes me groan..

